The first BrainFit4Life symposium: Approaching Personalized Brain Health will take place virtually on October 13th. At the BrainFit4Life symposium, there will be presentations by national and international speakers, experts in their respective health domains. We hope to promote interactive discussions, consolidate existing contacts and foster new networks. It will be an excellent opportunity for scientific exchange and knowledge transfer
This BrainFit4Life symposium is divided into three sessions, covering the topics of eHealth, digital diagnostics, and multi-omics, all with a focus on brain ageing. Within each session there will be a talk from an expert outside of Switzerland, chosen to bring insights and knowledge to the Swiss research community, followed by two talks by experts within Switzerland. Each session will then have a panel discussion led by an expert moderator and including the speakers of the session. Panel discussions will allow a more detailed exploration of key topics, with a focus on how researchers in Switzerland can best move forward to maximize input in the field of healthy brain ageing.
Finally, we invited two plenary speakers Manoj Pradhan, chief economist at Talking Heads, and Matthew Bomgart, Senior Director of Government Affairs for the Alzheimer’s Association, to discuss the topic of ageing in the context of public health management, public health policies and economics. The plenary lectures aim to contextualize the topic of brain ageing within society by emphasizing solutions to the socioeconomic burden of dementia and other neurological diseases.
To increase public participation, we also will have polls and overarching questions for the panel discussion sessions to enrich the conversation and voice the opinions of the participants. The break rooms in the web conference format and coffee breaks and the apero times (snack and beverage times) in the physical conference format will give plenty of opportunity for networking and fruitful scientific exchange among the participants during the symposium.
To increase the young advocate base in the country, we will have a dedicated breakout room for young professionals, in which WYLD will present their activities and future campaigns run together with BrainFit4Life. While the first symposium will be catered towards dementia and ageing brain disorders, the future symposiums will emphasize other neurological diseases and specifically the effects of health and lifestyle on brain health. The next symposia will tentatively be “Implementation of Technology Globally for Brain Health” (2021), “From Failure to Success in Clinical Trials for CNS Diseases” (2022), “Swiss Innovation for Brain Health” (2023) and “Brain-bound: from research excellence to market” (2024), please stay connected with our website and twitter for updates on these future conferences verall, the architecture of the first symposium will serve as a test bed for the upcoming symposia by helping improve its dissemination capacity and technological impact.
We hope that you will find BrainFit4Life’s inaugural symposium enlightening and full of food for thought. You can find further details on the program and registration here.