WYLD is organizing a parallel session at the 27th Alzheimer Europe Conference in Berlin “Care Today, Cure Tomorrow” ( 2-4 October 2017) to bring together members of our network and other young people to seek ambitious and novel perspectives on building dementia friendly communities.
In this workshop we will create an interactive working atmosphere by gathering and visualizing participant’s visions of a Dementia Friendly Community, since Young Leaders will be creating these communities in the future. We will collect and discuss examples of good practice, with a focus an destigmatization and work to raise awareness. Inspiration will come from recent research and dementia-friendly campaigns. The starting point for discussions will be a vision that we must dare to step into the world of people with dementia and learn from them to enhance autonomy, mutual respect and understanding, social inclusion and tailored care and support for people with dementia.
One output of the workshop will be a video, to be shot during the conference. The aims of the video will be:
- To put our ‘Dementia-Friendly Community workshop’ in an international perspective;
- To encourage young people to work in the field of dementia.
The video will include statements from young professionals about their vision of a dementia friendly community, and their motivation to work in the field of dementia.
WYLD Parallel Session
Topic: Perspectives on building dementia friendly communities
Date: Wednesday, 4 October 2017,
Time: 10.30am – 12 noon (GMT+2) , Berlin, Germany